It's the first Sunday of 2014. I'm hoping to recommit to me and my family this year.
I haven't blogged in 2 weeks. Which has been basically the whole time we have been on break. It's been a roller coaster, but I have really been thankful to spend so much time with my kiddos and doing things I love; cooking, sewing and running!
Our break did not start off well. Geoff's father passed away on December 20. It was the day before his 77th birthday. This was a tough event to have happen so close to my mother's yartzeit and the holiday season. 

On my mother's yartzeit, I made a big breakfast for the kids, had my sister over for a bit and went on a run with my friend Carrye. It was actually a nice day.
My mother-in-law came to spend Christmas with us. It was a great few days of getting to have her here, spend time together and watch the babies delight at seeing presents under the Christmas tree.
We took the kids to see Frozen and went to see Starry Nights on Christmas Day. Starry Nights is a local event where our local park decorates a 2 mile strip with Christmas lights. Lissy is finally old enough to get excited so that made it more fun!
Then my family got together for a belated Hanukkah gift exchange. We all had a great time exchange gifts and having dinner together. My parents bought my kids a trampoline and they have truly spent as much time as possible on it!
I tried CardioBarre for the first time and loved it! I've also joined in on a quilt along on Instagram. If you'd like to see what in up to my username is @alwaysthinkbigger_rbk
Tomorrow I go back to work and the babies start their new school at Temple Israel. And if I don't forget, I'll post my recipes from the last two dinners that were both made from Pinterest!
Until then!
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