In these 3, fairly short, steps, you can save money at the grocery without much effort.
Step 1:
Shop the sales! Right now, Kroger is having their Buy 10, Save $5 event! It's the perfect time to stock up on items that can be stored for later, since you can purchase them for a great price!
For example, pasta generally costs about $1.20 per package, right now, if you get 10 items from the Buy 10, Save $5 event, you can get the pasta for .49 per package. Definitely worth stocking up on a few items that you use all the time!
Step 2:
Have you tried ibotta? It's a great app that allows you to save money just for scanning the items you purchase and your receipt. (My referral code is azrbqrq, if that link doesn't work for you.)
Here's how it works; sign up here, refer friends if you like, scan your grocery items, snap a pic of your receipt and get money in your account!
Super simple!!
Step 3:
Meal plan. I know that sounds backwards, but if you meal plan and make a point of planning how and when you'll be using your leftovers, you will find that over time, you spend less but use more of what you purchase. Which means you'll throw away less food and you'll save money!!
Here's a great meal planning guide that I use to meal plan and grocery shop each week on one sheet!