1. San Francisco Trip was AWESOME! I love visiting that city. I will have lots of pictures to post in a bit, but let's just sum it up to say there are some cities that are just wonderful to visit and San Fran is definitely one of them!
2. Kids are growing and doing well! We started baseball, soccer, softball and the long course swim season... Phew! I'm worn out just listing all of that! The first few soccer games have gone ok, Jonas still has a lot to learn about the game, but he's trying! First long course swim meet, Annie improved on her times, which is good. Baseball practice and softball practice started off rocky for Jonas and Annie, Geoff (of course) is doing fine with his softball team...go figure! :)
3. Homebirth: Well, due to some changes happening between my midwives and (finally) having the full understanding of the financial implications, we will not be having a homebirth afterall. I am so incredibly bummed... We will be delivering at St.Francis in Bartlett...I will fully expect my friends to make a total nusance of themselves! Flowers and those crazy door wreaths are all welcome! (The more the better!)
4. School: Geoff is set to graduate in DECEMBER !!!!! Yeah! Very excited about that!!! After I interview, I should be officially accepted to the EdD program in Instruction, Curriculum and Leadership for the fall!
5. Maternity pics round 2 will be taken this coming sunday :) so those will go on the blog once they're available...
6. Baby Shower!!! So excited that I have the most awesomest friends in the world and Jennifer is hosting the shower!!! Orignially, she and our good friend Amber were hosting together, but Amber's dad recently suffered a trauma and she is returning to California to be with him. I am sad that she's gone.
7. Home News: Well, Geoff has gotten ALL the stumps out of the beds where the giant bushes were...I'll post pics in a bit...and his dad is working on moving to Memphis! Big Changes! Can't wait to get on the garden!!! Next year should be interesting and the year after, hopefully, we'll have some decent crops.
Only 27 days of school left after today...not that I'm counting down or anything....
More later!

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